Archive for the ‘Mailart Call’ Category

C. Mehrl Bennett squirrel greyed

Squirrels are like rats in that they forage and build nests

However, squirrels live in trees and rats are under foot

               But who am I to judge?


I am just another creature like a squirrel or a rat

We also forage and build out nests, fornicate

               and reproduce, nurture our offspring


As a mere creature of this larger universe

These overhead and underfoot beings

               seem AMAZING to me


Humans, all you seers and thinkers, doers and polluters

Stop and ask: What effect do we have on our environment?

               Left foot, Left an imprint so “what/where is Right?”


C. Mehrl Bennett 2017

Created for Connie Jean’s SQUIRREL MAILART CALL, which ended in 2017

Mail Art Calls

Posted: January 29, 2017 in mailart, Mailart Call


Go to this source at Lynn Radford’s blog for detailed information about Sinclair Scripta’s 2017 FemailXX project, and pARTicipate PLEASE, ThnX!:

Monday Morning Mail Art Call: FeMail-XX Project

Also, during the month of FEBRUARY, when the nation celebrates Presidents Day, you can call on the current electoral college president to RESIGN by mailing one postcard everyday the post office is open. On one side write RESIGN and address the other side to The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington DC 20500 – Attn: current electoral college president

Mine are all ready to go!


19MailArtMinneDaDa84 2016Tom Cassidy will be sending out documentation to all the mailart pARTicipants, but in the meantime, I can show you the photos I took on Day One of MinneDaDa1984 at Eat My Words Bookstore. Click on an image to view large. Ryosuke Cohen, of the famous 30+ year old BRAIN CELL project, was in attendance at MinneDaDa84!! I even got to sit for a bust version portrait by Ryosuke on Day Two of MinneDada84 at The Black Forrest Inn banquet room. A full body portrait of Ryosuke and a notebook of Tom Cassidy’s collected Brain Cells was displayed during an interview of Ryosuke on Day Three at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts (MCBA). More of my MinneDada84 photos are at: MY FACEBOOK PHOTO ALBUM or at MY FLICKR MINNEDADA84 ALBUM, though these don’t represent but a fraction of all the performance events, films, and PEOPLE of the event.


This idea for a mailart email project came to me because of a confluence of two other projects. One was a collage exchange project by Cecil Touchon and the other was an artistamp project by Fraenz Frisch. The first was organized to be a physical gathering of people in one place to create & exchange, and the second involved emailing jpeg images by the participants which would then be incorporated into an artistamp sheet, and a copy would be snail mailed to everyone.

I could not take part in the collage exchange project due to my location on the other side of the country, but emailing a jpeg for the artistamp sheet was simple enough do. So, I thought, why not enable the exchange of mailart between a group of people with the following guidelines:

Thru the end of Sunday, March 6, 2016 – ONLY: 1) Create mailart (at a size/wght that can be mailed with one international or a first class stamp or less) and take a digital photo of it (a small file for web display only). 2) Email me your snail mail address and the jpeg.

On Monday, March 7, 2016: 1) I will post the images as a blog and draw names from a hat for each of you. 2) I will send you an email with the snail mail address (drawn out of the hat) to which you should post your mailart to, plus a link to the blog where jpegs are on display. Got it? [Note that all my wordpress blogs copy to Facebook as well.]

I will delete these directives on Monday – so if you choose to share this, be aware that it will disappear (I think??) The only evidence will be the mailart you receive and the link to the blog when it is posted on Monday. Hopefully, you will choose to continue the exchange of mailart with the person who sends you m.a.

I posted this project on my Facebook wall on Friday March 4th, and I added the following comments on Saturday and Sunday, respectively:

Dear friend, If you have not done mailart before, or if it has been a long time since you’ve been involved in the network, this is a way you can begin! – starting with one contact.

It’s getting down to the wire (midnight) to submit a jpeg of mailart you’d like to send to another participant via name pulled out of the hat!



C. Mehrl Bennett collaboration with Katerina Nikoltsou (Greece)

JMB 3 3 16_20160303_0005

John M. Bennett

Joe McCarthy

Joe McCarthy

Pier Roberto Bassi

Pier Roberto Bassi

After I post this blog I will draw four names out of a hat for each piece, then send and email to Joe, Pier, and John with the address to which they should mail these pieces, plus the link to this blog.

I plan to try this experiment a few more times, in hopes of garnering more pARTicipants! Meantime, for all you mailartist wannabees, one resource for getting started is IUOMA or friend me on Facebook (search for Catherine Mehrl Bennett and please leave a comment on this blog with your FB name?)…


Deport Dada!

I’ll DING 21 of 35 in 20 dance terms as a parting  token.. that artificial hell issued Washinton D.C.  culture and the ache  surprise, f-fabric landscapes, erotic symbols, Ill eats start to scatter. breaking  adverse  Prosperity, creativity, and BARACK! BARACK!  support The arts!  fundamental  to  beauty, ethnicity, religion, or age performance… For Breton it was out of cabaret and the words are of those eaten OMMMMMMMMMS.  Your  tax NOTICE, Dear  Ms.  NOTHING, and eat  canned beans, that Dada should employ Benefits!  You can request message  I delivered: Breton had fallen on our prom  conTaining obscene drawings: A few months ago  it took  place out  of  cabaret in notice of the adverse beatification, Please state whether you request documents or information: when the reason you believe a nearby cafe to be  Threatening and subversive, dada has conventions to create a new type  of action and review your animation of  our Air, making  moments into a peanut seller, partly because  The  hat and or proxy, he  us  to  her in I t or ork my Education laden Dada group, decanting  the event into a rut through Improved academic  standardized test scores, audience relations, improperly denied comments, … OUT pu-U-zation has an OUT  of  tourism … artist’s actions  would be  imagined better than in a theatre… OW!  ILL you is at we  OK  the  at  of off, here  to end each In a manner  you  can  understand  through This, We,  A hand of tens

C. Mehrl Bennett 9/13/14, revised 1/13/2016

Nothing Wavering

In a house of silences that engage

Two pyromaniac gymnasts,

It might be hard to believe the

Secrets of this man’s work, or the life he lives

In the company of his wife.

Everything projects a

Banal shadow of absence–

Because of the presence of a way of being–

The spectrum of this man and

His wife in a litany of Both.

Wavering lines in the sun – layered by shadows

Are at first possible, but then reproach us as impossible

Do you recognize the girl that first met this man?

She came from especially nowhere, but grew up in

A Since Possessed Dialogue.

An actor claimed to bury

This couple by adopting a lost and found attitude,

For hadn’t we lost the entire collective generation decades earlier?

Mysteriously, whether we believe the story or not

All this says is that 1953 underpins a reality.

In this power play there exists

A fifties world in which was born

The first woman, C. Mehrl Bennett

Who wrote the following poem:


The WHOLE of St. Louis is, like,

At a LOSS,

Like a LOSER,

Chain smoking

We’ll have



NO NADA tonight!

C. Mehrl Bennett

Note: I performed the original composition from August 2013 at 100,000 Poets for Change” event at Tribes gallery in NYC on October 28, 2013 in NYC;  the “Going to Manong” [poem within the poem] was drastically shortened for this revised version from January 2016… the original unedited version was posted previously in this blog. I edited it for submission to a publication coming out this year.

**Performance for two with audience participation. 
One person, the barker, is responsible for shouting out the BOLD TYPE phrases, 
and the audience repeats whatever the barker shouts out. 
The other person performs the rest of the text and joins with the barker in 
shouting the final series of BOLD TYPE, which the audience will echo, 
and hopefully after both people stomp there feet at the end, 
the audience will also imitate that action! [..which is exactly what happened 
at the performance in August 2016 during Day 3 of MINNEDADA84 at MCBA auditorium]




















[stomp feet]

C. Mehrl Bennett

Jan. 13, 2016, revised 8/19/2016


Do Not Buy Fruit

rubber stamps

or a gun

Do Not Buy Olives


or a photograph

Do Not Buy Fish


or a hat

Do Not Buy Bread


or a cat

Do Not Buy Envelopes


or a suitcase

Do Not Buy A House


or a bus ticket

Buy Art Instead.

C.Mehrl Bennett

Jan. 3, 2013 (Revised Jan. 13, 2016)

n i e z h f p l t s u

(the following poem uses only these eleven letters)

zip in zen she felt

i feel hip

zine lists fine snips

slit pine tile peel

senile penis hit flies

isle sent file

lets help teens fit the line

he is feet fuzz

pile hen pelt lept

his hell left this

puzzle lit flute pen

hi ’tis shit nuts

tin huts fizz sez she

C. Mehrl Bennett  – March 2, 2015



Two Montevideo Cinquains


Piano sounds

Chicken crossing the road

The documentation is a

Seed trail

Cone shaped

Trees on a line

“From ear to ear” means that

Possibly you will sleep before


C. Mehrl Bennett – Nov. 11, 2013



The bell

Gland drizzling out

On a greasy bongo

Floating far out on the drunk bay



John M. Bennett and C. Mehrl Bennett

Feb.23, 2013




Six Collaborative Cinquains

Corn tome

Inside the boat

Kayaking in circles

Shoulder banging against the wind



The hammered foot

A dulcimer shoe bag

Toeing the line lining the toes

Hot sock

Off shirt

Loose in empty

And butt barely hairy

Shaving backwards toward the drain



Solder soldier

Sweating in the bathroom

After finding grapes and gravel



So dart it off

The loopy poolside

Super fooling slowly folding

Your neck

Just lick

Your salty lips

Salt licks where blind hunters

Smoulder in the tent with hamsters


Edward Lense, John M. Bennett, C. Mehrl Bennett – Sept. 21, 2013 – These cinquains were published as a TLP [tacky little pamphlet] by LBP [Luna Bisonte Prods]

Six (more) Collaborative Cinquains


Sipping quincunx

Floating head mice ladder

Walk the talking titmouse to the

Iced hat

Dead saints

In the buckets

Well placed in a circle

Multi-red-spin fulminating

Cheese root

Swoll drut

Tear the finger

Drum the forkѐd link bit

Bit the hot lint sausage hymn


Pink ink

The throne swallowed

All the people at once

Crinkling post-haste wanton twice the

Suit Shot

Same wurst

Dance the knocking

Turnip nipped the frog spawn

Locker dripping through the keyhole

Drip Drip

East West

Reft lightning trips

The looter sign shining

Muskrat tunnels under the bank

Of weft

Camille Martin, John M. Bennett, C. Mehrl Bennett – November 2012 – These cinquains were published as a TLP by LBP



Tones developed

Inside the red phone booth

Of superman with snail toes



Coffee toffee

Lays on the car hood as

She breaks all the LP’s from the


I sit

On a tree stump

In the beauty parlor

As balls of lint float in the pink

Hair dye


Bow tie on foot

Where’s yer before shrieker?

Inside a box under the dock’s

Big toe

Who’s yer

Worldly wisened

Anguished pal; Is he a

Hip duck diode with no dick to



On the other

Side of this sandbox full

Of silver cats as a dead dog


C. Mehrl Bennett 2015

* RINGER was first published in THE INAPPROPRIATED PRESS, Issue# 1, editor: Olchar Lindsann, Monocle Lash anti-Press, Nov. 2015, Roanoke, VA


is a score for Sound Poetry integrating image, vowel sounds, wind chimes, and two “incidents”.

Click HERE to watch a video on YouTube of a performance of this score. The link is to a video by Paul Baker of a 2010 performance by Be Blank Consort (BBC) members. These were volunteers from writers/performers gathered together for The Ohio State University Library’s [Special Collecions Dept.] Intnl. Avant Writing Symposium, and most of them had performed previously in other venues in the USA as BBC members.

At my direction and with copies of the score, nine of them performed using vowel sounds and windchimes, while another person counted to twelve, and two others performed “incidents”.  I was able to enlist Keith Buchholz and Reed Altemus to perform short Fluxus events for the incidents. The score is based on linear shadows in my photo of a public bathroom wall, digitally manipulated with ten and a half measures indicated.

C. Mehrl Bennett 2009

This poem is titled “6500 Machine Diagram” & comes screaming behind me

In front of me is a diagram fished out of a box now back in sentence form which rolls against a hat of snow

Yellow, magenta, and cyan cartridges are attached but are dysfunctional right now

The transfer roll is spooled with paper from the Pope

Something called a fuser is part of the action with a black and white headshot of a transfer role – on a stamp

It is 4:30a.m. and fresh snow is going to close the door to the hallway

The heater is about two feet from my two feet

The air is beginning to warm up around my fingers through my own hoard of books and is worth reading before my husband

I should copy this diagram over various add & pass into another attitude

Print out this page and cut it into four, yellow, magenta, something that bends into envelopes with collaborations

After a xerox is processed the paper heads out

Does the Xerox company still make copy machines?

Mail crosses my desk and stuff

I wonder if that address still exists?

Meanwhile, my fingers are still getting cold, covering for the dull grayness of mid-February outside my window

I will need go through a bag of books to type these sentences out of the house

I will also need to winnow out the lemons – on a stamp

So of course I get distracted by Facebook!

I also need to organize my studio space upstairs into a xerographic drum which rolls against a hat of snow, and has been that way for months on end, but a tray will catch hold

The post office recently issued first class stamps that follow into attaching to paper by a young Elvis Presley, with his signature reproduced, but onto mail from the mid-1980’s

I had a dentist appointment this morning, though to a receiving tray

I had a full set of xrays taken six months ago while he stuck a camera in there

This new young dentist had me hold my mouth open and took digital photos

The images appeared on a screen in Xerox Square, Rochester, New York

My mouth is tired

My Dad is dead

So why don’t quarters rearranged themselves?

Whatever happens can playfully manipulate the wind and wear a hat of snow

A hat of snow           A hat of snow

A hat of snow           A hat of snow

C. Mehrl Bennett February 2016

  • Stefan Brand Stifter will be using my audio recording of “6500 Machine Diagram” (and my image that goes with it) as part of his ANTIPODES ZINE SAMPLER with a sound CD… CLICK HERE to see diagram & hear audio

P O P  SONG (performed in Columbus OH in 2015 and 2016)

admit one                       light a match

backup admit                 enter backwards

admission rate               welcome canned words

discounted rate             a radio announcer

preview films                  feet in cement shoes

advance to present      [insert today’s date and time]

presentation mode       write a song / sing it:




Pretty pencils, sticking in my hair

Pretty pencils, sticking right at me

I’ve got pretty pencils… sticking 

Out my nose

fast mode to the  future                      question  effectiveness !

rafting off the roof                               answer all charges

please take your seat mam!

I  will now perform the event, titled: “NoBody’s Surprise”:

                                                                    Blow up a balloon until it POPS


5x7 Bathroom Song with all verses.jpg

5x7 well she had and pretty pencils.jpgCLICK HERE to hear an audio of me singing these three nonsense songs.

(Copyright: C. Mehrl Bennett)

*NOTE: Earlier versions of some of these poems  were published on this blog before.

MetaDada No. 1, THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DADA MINING,  editor H. Michael Sanders, was published on May 15, 2016 by Elena Press, Cincinnati Ohio. May 15th, 2016, was the 100th anniversary of the publication of the first Dada journal, Cabaret Voltaire, editor Hugo Ball, Zurich, Switzerland, May 15, 1916. Two of the above poems (Shopping List and niezhfpltsu) appeared in MetaDada No. 1, in addition to two of my visual poems: Croatian Glyphs DADA and Forbidden Planet.



ADDENDUM: See below for two more songs that I added to those above when I performed during Day Two of the MinneDaDa84 Fest in Minneapolis MN in August 2016. I had the privilege of being accompanied by Cassia Harding, a very accomplished violinist!Cassia-Harder-and-CMB-at-Black-Forest-Inn-Day-2-MinneDada84.jpg

If You Try and You Mess Up with ukele chord tabs 4x6 N o t   Y e t 4x6

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The ANTI-BRAIN ROT mailart exhibit was hosted during Roanoke VA’s 2015 AFTER MAF (After Marginal Arts Festival – an AFTER effect from the now defunct annual Marginal Arts Festival)

These are BUT A FEW of the many submissions recieved from all over the world.
Wilhelm Katastrof (alias Tomislav Butkovic) will be mailing documentation out.
Tomislav is pictured behind the glass in this photo of postcards on french door window panes.
Mailart was also hung from clips on strings in one room, and spread out on tables in both rooms.
W Katastrof at home
During the opening last weekend, Reid Wood performed the “Xeno’s Donut” score, Tomislav played an audio CD collaged from various contributors (edited & mailed by Mark Sonnenfeld), and the cat went in and out.

MORE PHOTOS from AFTER MAF performances & events, plus detailed descriptions (including descriptions for the mailart in this slideshow) can be found in my Flickr album by clicking HERE but ALSO see ALOT of video documentation of performances that took place at ART RAT STUDIO by clicking HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mailart Exhibit October 2012

About The 70 Project : John M. Bennett, poet and head of Luna Bisonte Prods, turned 70 in October 2012. John likes skulls and October is the month for All Saints’ Day/Day of the Dead/Halloween. John performed his poetry with other sound artists & we displayed this mailart on his birthday in a gallery. 70 PROJECT mailart is all documented at . THANKS to all the artists listed in labels at the blog for contributing mailart to/for John’s 70th birthday bash. About 200 people from 22 countries contributed mailart!

I did a fluxus performance during The70Project intermission at It Looks Like Its Open gallery on JMB’s birthday.
HERE IS A VIMEO LINK to a video of my performance (camera held by Don Rice, a friend and local writer).
Aside from the disclaimer at the beginning of my performance, I also need to add a correction to address the mistake I made in the performance.
(Yes! I lost my marbles!) When speaking about the yellow marbles I refer to the U.S. Senate, but should’ve said U.S. Congress, because the House of Representatives (with it’s current Speaker John Boehner – unfortunately from Ohio, though note Ohio DID go blue this year for Obama and Sherrod Brown!) has been a BIG problem, though after the 2012 election the Democratics still do not have the 25 extra votes they need to overcome a filibuster in the Senate — so gridlock will continue to occur in the Senate as well.

A shoelace was glued in a spiral on top the surface of six wooden postcards, then was cut so the postcards could be painted, stamped, and addressed separately. A small grid on the address side of each gives an indication as to how to reassemble the half dozen cards to recreate the shoelace spiral. They are all addressed to:

Art Postal – Chaussure, Médiathèque Françoise Giroud, 15 avenue de la Cave Coopérative, 34160 CASTRIES, FRANCE

YOU can send mailart on the theme of SHOES to this address, too! However,  please abide by two RULES: The mailart must be 3-dimensional (which means you have to pay PARCEL POST rates to France) and the mailart must not be covered up by a package. Instead it must be entirely visible to the post carriers. DEADLINE: November 2011

Shoes, along with SOLES, are a theme that Marilyn R Rosenberg and I have been working on intently… and I’d used the shoelace spiral (glued onto the boards) as a kind of stamp for our collaborative project, though it didn’t stamp very well.  I brought these half dozen wood cards along to Madison last time I went to Matthew Stolte’s studio to work on collaborations. Matthew didn’t work on these cards, but I worked on them intermittently while also doing other works with Matt. Today, back at home here in Ohio, I finished up the address side and added a few little details to the painted, shoelaced, spiral sides. The FOOT graphic (first image above in this blog post) is my original digital image from which I derived the two stamps that I put on each addressee side of the cards. Some  upper/lower details were cropped and the stamps are so small that it’s impossible to see the reference to “arms”… but it was the feet that were meant to shine for this mailart theme in any case. Note: the FLUXUS stamp, used with paint on the spiral shoelace sides, is one that I carved out from an eraser.

[BLOG UPDATE] Performance note: In a gallery on Staten Island, I performed an event which was based on the above mentioned shoelace spiral mailart project. I removed the fabric belt from my calico patterned blouse and formed a spiral with it on the floor. Then I cut the spiral with two sets of parallel intersecting lines (like a grid) and invited the audience to take pieces. This was during NYC Fluxfest (2011), organized by Keith Buchholz, with additional Staten Island events organized by Mary Campbell and Viv Dey Dada.

Click on images to enlarge.